Aurum Blade Organization and Daily Life
The Aurum Blade is made up of approximately 450 individuals split across three large settlements and the surrounding areas. They are a welcoming sort that hold secret keeping in high regard. They are local to Mountainous and Rocky Coastal areas. The majority of Aurum Blade members are most familiar with Petrified, Igneous, and Aqueous essences.
Group history of the Aurum Blade is something that is often shared among them, though the specific names and proper nouns tend to get replaced by fairy tale equivalents.
The Aurum Blade, as it is now, came into being approximately two hundred years ago. Previous to this they experienced centuries of strife and chaos before they found techniques to strengthen themselves against the various monsters they encountered, collectively referred to as the Vaettir.
Centuries of safety measures evolved into Tradition, which is kept close and held important to the Lights of the Aurum Blade. They hold five rules above all else:
You may not claim to know a Light unless they confirm you know them.
A Light who leads a failed ritual will take full responsibility for their failure.
Pretending affection for another in order to steal from them for personal gain will be punished by the loss of a hand. The hand may not be healed until the victim grants permission.
Defacing the Maypole is a crime beyond all others, and will be punished with banishment.
Ignorance is no excuse and willful ignorance is worse than intentional crime.
Stromsaeter- The largest Aurum Blade settlement is tucked away in the high peaks of a Mountainous area. Buildings here are built into the mountain, clustered in strange patterns and designs. For an area so rocky, Farmers are fairly prosperous in the nearby lands and show a specialization of purpose more effective than many outsiders have seen. The mountain ridge that Stromsaeter resides on often experiences rumbling, but volcanic activity has been unnoticeable by residents for over a hundred years.
Vilderheim- This settlement is hidden in a deeply forested mountainside. This village sprawls through the trees and under rocks, making it exceedingly difficult to find for travelers. Heavy fogs often fill the area, and tiny lanterns left to mark the boundaries of Vilderheim are often mistaken for Will-o-the-Wisps.
Världensände- A hundred man settlement located where high, rocky cliffs look out over an endless Ocean. While this is the most open of the Aurum Blade settlements, they are very careful of who they allow near the cliff edges. Those who stumble upon the village are often escorted back to safer climes.
Any member of the Aurum Blade has only one of two titles:
Light: Any standing member, over the age of 9
Blade: A Light who has proven themselves worthy of trust by the people around them, whether they are “Known” or not. Each settlement is ruled by a council of three to twelve “Blades”, members who have proven themselves to be strong and selfless enough to protect themselves and the people around them. While the council is entirely made of Blades, not every Blade is a council member.
Every Light of the Aurum Blade is expected to find a specialization, something that they can do to the strongest of their abilities. Many focus their talents in practical pursuits, farming and agriculture, though some will try to become ideal fighters. Some subsets will put all of their energy into becoming consummate ritualists.
Kit and clothing varies widely from Light to Light, depending on what career or calling the individuals choose to focus their lives around. The most important things a Light carries on their person are the tools of their trade, which they will keep working to the best of their abilities. There are a few common signifiers that Traditionally appear in Aurum Blade clothing. Red ribbons, tied around wrists, ankles, or the neck, signify a Light who is willing to take on extreme personal sacrifice in order to protect their people. A white, gold, or black ribbon represents the loss of someone who was Known, often worn on May Day. Perhaps not unexpectedly, most Lights own a cloak of dark material, though many do not wear them except for special occasions.
Folk of the Aurum Blade consider direct questions to be overly familiar or crass. For example, a Light who sees a person with a toolbelt is unlikely to ask what they do for a living, but may inquire as to if they have visited a local scrap dealer. One looking for a book on occult knowledge may mention in passing that they are seeking out new libraries. Communicating this way is a sign of respect, and speaking too freely may result in being shunned. Some have been known to cut their own tongues out in attempt to regain trust. Punishments for minor offenses are expected to be self inflicted. If this is not upheld, the community will come together to pursue judgement.
Standard diet of the Aurum Blade consists of simple grains, fowl and fish. Their farms are well developed for birds, but they have no space for larger animals. Farmers utilize as much space as they can to grow crops, often having plants growing on top of hills that their homes are built into.
Individuals have varied day to day lives, though most wake at dawn to begin work. Villages will be active through the day, with Lights gathering together near dusk to reflect on nature and community. Evening meal times are often large scale group affairs, with neighbors, friends, or even strangers mingling together.
Are you Known?
While the Aurum Blade are a very community driven people, they are also very personally secretive. Asking after personal information is considered an offense, as is probing into technical matters that you have not dedicated your life to. Dabbling in things that you do not understand is unacceptable, but gathering knowledge and dedicating time to something before you seek answers is likely to make you friends.
Getting to Know a Light is a careful path, whether you are a member of the Aurum Blade or not. Knowing the details of another person involves dedicating time into understanding the true self of them, to a point where they can keep no secrets. It is considered a responsibility, and is used in times of greatest peril to find what is missing in those who would become lost. Having too many people Know an individual can cause confusion, miscommunication, and error in dire circumstances. Monstrosities born of misunderstanding have caused devastation to their people. While horrors on this level have dropped off in the past few years, the Aurum Blade remembers and keeps vigilant in their ways.