History of Transcendence, INC


Age of Strife

Transcendence Inc. exists as a merger between two previously competing entities. In the Age of Strife, both Rainworks and Redacted were established by refugees driven underground as a result of toxic elements on the surface (see Appendix A - Inert Toxic Elements, REDACTED). The progress of medicine steadily enabled them to further develop, and eventually to interact with one another. The two groups began to compete for resources, but individual researchers found opportunities to meet, exchanging findings and making deals. The prevalence of supernatural espionage lead to a rise in draconic policy, but methods for information security often lag behind the methods of thwarting security.

Rainworks continued to endorse risky experimental methods as a means of furthering research. Members of their group were subjected to testing in order to move forward, and many deteriorated. Their culture incorporated a trial-by-fire sort of spirit, and they keenly understood that individual willpower could result in deviations due to the influence of potentia. Force of will became a defining element in their efforts, and this was demonstrated through the accomplishments adapted by their people; who tended to grow spines, fangs, horns and scales.

REDACTED operated with a focus on validity and reliability in the results of their experiments. Human beings proved to be a confounding variable when manipulating potentia. To control for this variable, REDACTED worked to measure and control human perception and assumptions. Through various testing methods, they made strides in understanding the ability to weaponize the human form. Many advances made by REDACTED were achieved through reverse engineering Rainworks’ successes. Despite denying the full capacity of potentia, their dedication to the scientific process formed an unquestionable foundation for future developments in the field.

Both groups anticipated sabotage and began to escalate in military capability, but before open warfare emerged, Rainworks collapsed. Surviving personnel describe a litany of horrors, the crossing of an ‘event horizon’, and the discovery of a landscape REDACTED. Redacted took in the survivors and conducted an inventory of abandoned facilities. Some recovered materials have included a self-motivated needle that seems to prick people in the night, a chair that gently caresses and massages any who sit in it, REDACTED, and a coffee maker with a face that insists it was once named Jeremy Kane. Jeremy doesn’t need power, and makes splendid coffee.It has been suggested that Rainworks is still active in a ‘deep underground’, or otherwise relocated following an evident severe loss of personnel. Exploration of abandoned facilities resulted in the recovery of corpses with a variety of peculiar wounds, detailed in the attached Appendices C-E.

Age of Discovery

Wayfarer scouts made contact with Redacted agents in secured territory Echo-4. In debriefing it became clear that non-toxic habitable space was available aboveground, and a relocation effort began.

In relocation, it became evident that some members of the research team were uncomfortable with the imposition of regulations by Redacted. Several disappearances are recorded, but tampering with personnel records is also evident. It is suggested that researchers followed after Wayfarers. Recovered researchers are listed in appendix J - RECOVERED PERSONNEL. Dr. Iador Stempko was found to have mutated into REDACTED). Further modifications were enacted through process REDACTED). His disappearance is considered unrelated to Wayfarer contact and relocation.

To facilitate relationships with newly encountered demographics, remaining membership rebranded “Transcendence Incorporated”, with stated mission goal of “Utilizing science for the realization of possibility”. Administrative personnel were re-designated and tasked with establishing public relations and accomplishing damage control. Research standards were re-evaluated to suit larger available sample sizes, and research priorities were adjusted to suit public application.

Today, Transcendence Inc. is at the forefront of medical understanding and manipulation of Wild potentia. Facilities are open for touring, and partnership with enterprising Wayfarers has established a few rudimentary spas.

Addendum -