Contracts Update

We are updating our contract layout so that they do a better job of communicating what you can expect on a mod. We are removing the corruption number so now contracts are rated on a D-SSS scale. In addition, we are adding a stamp to each of the contracts that will signify what style of mod the contract will focus on. These stamps correlate to the stamps you see on Patterns. Note that even if a contract is stamped one way, elements of the other game play types can appear on the mod, so even on combat mods you may have to negotiate. Finally, for contracts that are tied to specific factions, we are adding a watermark on the contract with the faction symbol. Remember that you don’t need to be a part of a specific faction to do their contracts.


D - Straightforward. Disastrous only to the foolhardy.

C - Teamwork is recommended and brute force is applicable.

B - Challenging to the under-prepared. Specific skills, items, or patterns are required.

A - Hard, high-risk, high reward. Teamwork and preparedness will often prevail.

S - Very Hard, extreme cleverness is necessary for victory.

SS - This is about mitigating loss, not winning.

SSS - Seriously Super Scary

contract key.PNG