Rules Clarifications
We noticed some inconsistencies in the use of bandages during the last game, so we would like to clarify a few matters. We found in review that one of our announcements stated that bandages do not cause Daze. This was an error, Bandages will cause Daze just as other healing effects do.
As an additional clarification - you can reclaim your bandage and reuse it after the encounter, but it cannot be re-used within the same encounter. Each prop is effectively a per-encounter ability.
When tying a bandage, it should be snug. If you find that your bandages are coming loose, you should tie them more carefully. If a Marshal sees a bandage fall off, they may (per their discretion) inflict damage on the limb. We’d rather not go that route. Please self-police on this.
During a mod last event, we heard a few players make a Deathblow call, so we wanted to clarify - there is no implicitly available Deathblow ability. A storyteller may grant a similar call as a reward for a bid if the scene calls for it.
As a player (or a monster), you are free to describe chopping off limbs (or heads) or otherwise mangling a downed foe, but you shouldn’t call “Deathblow” when doing so unless that mechanic has been given to you explicitly by a Marshal/ST/GM.